Wedding Tip Tuesday – How to Book Wedding Vendors without Regret

Here is the secret to booking vendors – do your research. That was the short answer. Now let’s discuss why you need to do your research and learn a shortcut to booking the right Vendors the first time.

Wedding Vendors can range in price, experience, education, personality, packages – it is hard to know if you are booking the right one until you can determine exactly what your needs and budget are. So that is your first place to start. Deciding on your date and budget is just the first steps. Once you know those then it is important to narrow the search down by learning as much as possible about them. If you can’t determine from their website, social media, or other advertising outlets the experience level, education, or reviews then it is best to move on to the next Vendor on your list. If they have checked all the boxes on this step the next is to meet with the Vendor in person. Did they respond to your initial inquiry within a reasonable time? Did they send an appointment reminder to confirm your meeting? How was their dress and grooming? Were they good listeners? Do you feel they answered all your questions? {we will address which questions you should ask in another post} Lastly, do you feel comfortable with this complete stranger to commit to having them be a part of a most intimate and important day of your lives?

After they have passed the pre-qualifications then it is time to move on to the contract. Does it list out every service you will be provided? Charges, travel fees, payment due dates, cancellation policies, postponement options if needed, impossibility of performance, use of photos taken on the wedding day… the list of what should be included can be very lengthy depending on the specific service. Once you approve of the contract then it is important to make sure both parties have signed it and then send in the deposit or retainer to book services. Any wedding vendor you hire should provide a contract that is clear on the date and location of services in addition to what specific services will be rendered. Even if you have a friend that is a Wedding Industry Professional it is still important to make sure there is a clear line of responsibility established. And please remember that just providing payment and exchanging messages on a social media platform is not going to hold up in small claims court if that action would need to be taken.

Are you ready to learn the short cut now? Hire a Master Certified Wedding Planner. One of the main responsibilities we have is providing vetted reputable vendors that take the guess work out of the Vendor selection process. For our Full-Service planning Clients, we try to determine who will fit their personality, and planning style along with date, budget and basic service requirements. If you are ready to #planstress free, then send us a message and we can get started.

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